If they arent paid to camp out on a stock for 3 years what is the motivation? 3 years the crud has called JBII a scam, LOL 3 years of malicious attacks towards everyone and anyone supportive of this company and its revolutionary technology. It has to be revolutionary or everyone would be doing it. Amazingly the NYDEC has had many other systems fail their validation process because they simply dont work, then JBI comes along with the solution. I suppose the crud are smarter then all of the bright minds that are embracing this company for JBI's P20. If P20 didnt work as advertised Im pretty sure Rock Tenn Recycling wouldnt have stepped up to be the first conglomerate to welcome this technology. Look at waste management for instance, they had a system called wheelabrator (odd name) that like Covanta incinerated waste plastic for steam to electric generation. 17 plants in the US now closed because that system wasnt efficient for their needs. Incinerating plastic is not the way to go. P20 is the way to go as other conglomerates are finding out. Its just a matter of time before recycling companies designate specific waste bins for P20 feedstock collection world wide.