You'll notice your buddy SteveF no longer claims a "perfect track record" at identifying scams.
Because he was pulling the same thing on OTC: AMLJ that he was on JBII. That is, until two NASDAQ companies got into a bidding war to buy out AMLJ. The shareholders of AMLJ accepted the buyout at a cash value equal to a 14 year high. SteveF was screaming "scam scam scam" all the way through the buyout closing. He and other bashers had charts, graphs, links all "proving" it to be a scam while I had charts, graphs, and links proving it was validated by every Tom, Dick, and Harry and even visited their plant (but couldn't take pictures due to "espionage and confidentiality agreements"
Anyway penny stocks on the OTC rarely start out with dividends or buyouts -- that happens later. Shareholders smart enough to buy well in advance clean the $#@$ up.