
PTM ...I don't know how excited you are about those numbers we got. But me it added so much excitement , those numbers were the tip of the ice berg.
I went shopping in Dallas, Houston, & San Antonio looking for a party hat myself, it had to be a one of a kind hat a cool one, My head is so big and full of excitement my head grew . To my point not one hat store in any of those cities had a party hat that fit my head.........what a bummer it was.
I had one more idea, Men's warehouse.....I guarantee it place.
So I made it to the store barley fit through the door I asked the guy to show me there party hats and he immediately stopped me in my tracks and said SIR ! we do not have your size, Needless to say I was bummed again.
I asked him were can I find party hats to fit this extra big head, With out missing a beat the guy directed me to try going to Academy sports and to look in the TENT section , he said I'm sure you can find your size there and they repeal rain too.
Well I did, its lose fitting if only I wear it. it's dark green like money and fits four and repeals rain has a zipper and two flaps it's a walk-in hat but it's one of a kind hat and it's mine ready for the party ................ I got my party hat ready fits 4 and the guy there was so nice he through in 4 sleeping bags to boot .
I was thinking after DUTV goes north a little I would sell 20 or so shares so I could go camping with my new hat and able to accommodate 3 others........Lets have some fun.

