Hmmm…let’s see. Condemn a cheap anti-Muslim film, but say nothing about a cheap shot at Christ and Christians.
Freedom? It was Mostly Christians who made America, fought and died for it, and gave us our freedoms.
Freedom allows me to speak against and right wrongs, not pass vile acts off as a right.
Freedom allows me to call out tyranny for what it is.
Freedom allows a truly FREE Press to show and examine the facts, not become ‘presstitute’ bedmates for evil.
Freedom gives me the right to behave responsibly rather than be subject to a tyrant.
Freedom chiseled the 10 Commandments on the Supreme Court and gave us a judicial system the world has envied. It has also been mocked and attacked by evil, and always will be.
Our freedoms will be lost when a Christian sense of them are fully disregarded and thrown under the bus. That time may be coming soon. I think that no one will like it when that time comes, no matter what someone’s faith is or lack of it.
"The price of FREEDOM is eternal vigilance". Thomas Jefferson