Posted On: 09/22/2012 8:44:51 AM
Post# of 43065

But can anyone offer a convincing favorable rationale for the darkness? To me it's like we fell down the rabbit hole into a topsy-turvy Wonderland. jmho. ex.
I cannot say that the rationale I see will be seen by other JBII sharreholders, but IMO we fell down that rabbit hole 3 years ago when an UNKNOWN NUMBER of clandestine adversaries against the success of this little company began the work of calling the SEC, DOJ, NYDEC, possible partners, etc. Since then every impediment possible has been hurled at JBI to keep it from taking JBI from an idea... a desk top Blest P2O processor (rough prototype)... through R&D to a full-scale re-enfgineered 30T commercial P2O processor THAT makes SPEC FUELS on-demand at the push of a button!.
AND YET we see efforts continue to totally distract or even derail the company... and irrelevant fretting over vacation days of a NEW CEO or the timing of a name change... suggesting that JB will not comply witgh whatever it takes to move JBI on to a successful roll out!
And there's this:
"The stock you hold is called JBII for John Bordynuik Inc........"
"The guy is the guy who picked the new management team so "the guy" has been calling the shots."
"Nothing in the JBII world happens unless "the guy" says so, You'd better get used to his name John Bordynuik, he's going to be around for a while, despite what some guys think"
Last I checked the BOD is constituted of Wesson, Rauber and Ingham. Did 75% of the Pipers give them a pass on the name change or does JB still heft a whole lot more influence than the paperwork and the new title suggest? Has he convinced the Wesson, Rauber and Ingham......or two of those violate the agreement in order that his initials might stay within the name of the company that he founded? What other reasons might there be?
EVERYTHING this company has done IN MAKING ITS HALTING PROGRESS to this point has been met with unexpected opposition and interference with its BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT activities.
My guess is that BY NOW the "new management"( which actually has a HISTORY of about 2 years of becoming "aware" of JBI to becoming "management" of JBI) has seen enough in fact and bantied about SMBs to realize that NOTHING DONE will go uncriticized & will be nauseatingly speculated about AND REPORTED to *agencies* in hopes of destruction of JBI!
This new management also is likely quite aware that their responsibility is to take JBI to success for the sake of pipeholders and shareholders who have had the fortitude to support the company in its efforts to turn a lab concept into a commercial reality. NOTHING short of daily commercial production of fuels will accomplish this & IMHO this is what they are focussed upon doing!
When major steps toward that goal are completed & successful, I'm sure we will hear about it
In the meantime, JBI may not be the right investment for some. JBI might be at a point that some may decide to sell. FOR SURE JBI is at a point that many SHAREHOLDERS & non-shareholders ALIKE seem to be spending a lot time preoccupied about just what JBI is doing today! I can understand the time spent wondering about JBI by share owners... not so much the others daily voicing concerns and demanding information.

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