The answer!!! We have our 10Q with a little over $3Mil in share holder equity. We need $1Mil more. We already have it!!!! Due to this.....
Question: If a triggering event specified in one of the items of Form 8-K occurs within four business days before a registrant’s filing of a periodic report, may the registrant disclose the event in its periodic report rather than a separate Form 8-K? If so, under what item of the periodic report should the event be disclosed? Item 5 of Part II of Form 10-Q and Item 9B of Form 10-K appear to be limited to events that were required to be disclosed during the period covered by those reports.
Answer: Yes, a triggering event occurring within four business days before the registrant’s filing of a periodic report may be disclosed in that periodic report, except for filings required to be made under Item 4.01 of Form 8-K, Changes in Registrant’s Certifying Accountant and Item 4.02 of Form 8-K, Non-Reliance on Previously Issued Financial Statements or a Related Audit Report or Completed Interim Review. The registrant may disclose triggering events, other than Items 4.01 and 4.02 events, on the periodic report under Item 5 of Part II of Form 10-Q or Item 9B of Form 10-K, as applicable. All Item 4.01 and Item 4.02 events must be reported on Form 8-K. Of course, amendments to previously filed Forms 8-K must be filed on a Form 8-K/A. See also Exchange Act Form 8-K Question 106.04 regarding the ability to rely on Item 2.02 of Form 8-K. [April 2, 2008]
The last 8K included the required $1Mil ! Gary can file the application anytime and we are waiting on the S1 to the best of my knowledge.