The following is “in my opinion only”.
Gentlemen: Put your bids in at a penny …..(.0100)…..they will get filled.
I know who is buying…..but I also think I know who is selling. Studying yesterday’s activities, it appears to me that someone or some group at least twice during the day dumped millions of shares “at market” in an attempt to drive BLTA sub-penny and to scare the crap out of the other BLTA investors. Their goal was to eat through the penny bids and go right on down to the .009s and the .008s. By doing so, they could create a panic and gobble up the shares that weak minded investors would then start dumping in the tens of millions.
They used a bucket of water to put out a fire, but it didn’t work…the millions of shares weren’t enough to meet the number of penny requests on the bid. Rest assured, they are going to step up their efforts. They are going to flood the market with “at market” shares in order to drive the pps sub-penny. If you were impressed by yesterday’s activities, rest assured……….You haven’t seen anying yet!
The pod leader stated a desire to purchase 700 million more shares at sub-penny prices. The 800+ million he just purchased are restricted for 6 months, but the 500 million his group already had are free trading – and probably bought in at about .005 through private placement. BY selling at market he is doubling his money – so he isn’t losing – he is just trying to get BLTA to plunge. What is good for him is obviously not in the best interests of the rest of the shareholder’s. Let’s give him a fight.
If you have intentions of purchasing BLTA, now is the time to do it!....and at a penny a share, BLTA is a steal. Put your bids in (with confidence) at .0100 now. These next couple of weeks will probably be your last chance to do so.
I know you’ve “heard it all before”, but sit back and think about it.
Think about "the perfect storm" we are heading into. I am not talking about the 10-K due out on April 1st with just more blah-blah information from 2013. Rather, I am talking about the next 10-Q that will cover the 1st quarter quarter of 2014. That report will show a huge influx of capital, a very healthy balance in Baltia’s bank account (probably in the high 6 figures!), and the completion of training. That report is due out about the middle of July and will most probably be coupled by ticket sales (as early as April?) and advertising and perhaps even final certification. There is a perfect storm of very positive information about to converge on us in late spring/early summer 2014 – just a few months away.
A penny bid today could be worth a 10 cent ask in just 6 months from now!
And rest assured and bid with confidence: no one who has the ability to put up $4 to $5 million into a company and has a reserve of another $5 to $10 million to buy up shares on the open market is going to let Baltia fail.
In my opinion, BLTA has never been a better investment than it presents today.
Put your bids in at .01……I certainly am (I told you I know who is buying!).