Here is what I sent him in a private message.
You know that who ever gets to produce oil down there is going to be lucky but the fellas on this crew have been screwed out of a good opportunity in belize by government officials who do not understand capitalism. The GOB was so worried about there credibility that they shot themselves in the foot. We could have had better equipment if the share price would have run and there would have been move seismic preparation and a much better chance of finding oil.
I know you do not like treaty. You and others interference have cost me plenty hear. I spent 14000.00 on this stock so that they could do something good in Belize and got 5000 to show for the trouble. All of the share holders wanted to do some good things while we were there for the people. The GOB will never declare any oil wells in this area commercial because they want people to spend their money and kick them out without any rights to the oil they find. That is my gut feeling on the whole thing and I have been trying to get us out of Belize since last June. I think you, the bashers and the GOB owe the shareholders. about .015 per share. Which comes to 15 million. Which means you are a rotten man. I do not know if there will be anything done about it. I do know there is a share holders that has 29,000,000 shares who live in Youngstown Oh. I can not imagine that they will not handle this in a good way. I just want treaty to be given the chance to operate without interference. I should not have to tell you these things. You owe the fellas who trusted your future silence at a minimum. All the money you have would not but a dent in the money lost