Sheriff Joe has turned up a lot more that proves there is no birth certificate but the biased media refuses to print it.
The Obama administration may have dropped a legal case against Arizona’s Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, but that doesn’t
mean “America’s toughest sheriff” has any intention of dropping his pursuit of the truth about the sitting president.
When Klein asked the sheriff if he thought the birth certificate would be a significant issue in the election, however, Arpaio
speculated it would continue to be swept under the rug.
“I don’t think so,” Arpaio answered, “because everybody’s ignoring it on both sides of the fence. … Even the media ignores the
evidence we have. But we did our job, I was asked to do it, we used our volunteer posse at no cost to the government. We did a great
investigation; we’re still coming up with information, so we’ll see what happens.”