Good Morning Investors Circle members. If one invested the suggested $1,000 in each of the four stocks listed in our portfolio, and cashed out on Friday near the end of trading, you today would have $5,029.20. You certainly would not be rich, but you would have more money than you started with, and $1,029.20 profit in the first week of investing is not something to shrug one's shoulders at. In fact, the overall gain would be much higher if our ATYG stock had not performed so poorly. But things change, and ATYG could too. We will watch this stock for a week or two, and replace it with something better if we find something new.
Once again, this board in for the small retail investor who strives someday to be rich, but only has a modest amount to invest to get there. We will have winners and losers, but at the end of the day (or year in this case) our goal is to make you richer. In the process, you may become a wiser investor as well. Good luck to all. Remember to do your own research and make your own decisions as to whether a stock in this portfolio is something you wish to invest in.