Yeah you - lol I have seen the baseline at .0088.... Everything from there is great... And yes I meant dip below .01, not park there.
Honestly though, Valuation now, without certification is not as much as one would believe, There are 2 planes, which I believe are spoken for and about 90 mill in NOLs - those are about the only things of value. Given any other severance or what have you. Fairly I would value this at .01 - .015 @ say 3.5mill o/s.... If they went under and had to be sold, current value of any assets would be hit for a discount...
Now - if they get certification - all above becomes null and void. Just my take from the Reports. If anyone can think of anything they can liquidate to preserve valuation - I am all for hearing it....I want to value them higher, but the numbers do not lie.