Hi All,
Good morning this afternoon from London, U.K.
I rarely post as I am so far away from the U.S. Lol, maybe kgem, jb, GM, and integracer's exquisite, intelligent, and timely/ahead of the time researches makes me look slow and timid so I just read and thank God for the privilege of connecting to them through this board. I read, follow the posts and news; and speak with HIMR IR person a few times.
So to all newly registered posters, a big welcome aboard, as you will not find IMO any better board or moderators/posters elsewhere.
In no particular order, welcome
1. Littlewiggs
2. TBone8
3. SilentlyListening
4. LuckyJimmy
5. Wiggie
And if I missed you out, it was not intentional, you are also welcomed.
Tbone8, how dear you exceed my holding here? LOL. You sure have some bones to hold so much. I am only at 30.65million @ $0.00013 per unit. I will increase it if I can find some british coins to do so.
SK - The West African boy in London.