Heres the deal, again its cut and dry, if 4 weeks from now a PR isnt out im jumping ship. For me the ratio seems to be if they say 1 week they mean 4 weeks....idk why they dont just stop telling us what they are going to do from now on...since they cant keep on time with that scheduling. They may as well just PR when they have stuff like other major credible corporations! If their business is so much more important then i will personally make a statement that puts their actions to shame thus far...why continue to update us on stuff "going to happen" or "soon to happen" if we dont matter? Why not just credibley PR it. Im not saying i dont like it when i get a heads up but hey lets face facts, MIHL cant keep up with the time lines. Their timelines are pretty much like when wifey comes to me and asks me to fix something and i say "yea ill get arround to it at the end of the week" and 10 beers later, 5 bills later, and 4 weeks down the road i finally fix the cabinet.
As far as PR pricing how can it take this long? Pardon my language but a load of crap! 1 call and pricing is done! Next thing hire me and ill get it done in 5 days! ill even work for free until MIHL starts generating revenue! give me 1m shares restricted and im on board!
Looks like there's a shortage of man power! if those were the excuses! Every issue they have i have remedies for and easily DONE!