Posted On: 02/06/2014 11:26:30 AM
Post# of 645

Re: celtics2014 #192
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IFUS shareholder letter below might be reason one person bought a few shares yesterday and increased shareholder value 40%
December 31, 2013
Dear Shareholders;
As I get ready to hit the road tomorrow for another successful year at Impact Fusion International. I want to reflect and inform you of our successes and accomplishments that Impact Fusion International has achieved in 2013.
First and foremost is the incredible launch of our Supreme Energy Resources plant in Louisiana in which less than a year ago there was only buildings and 64 acres. While that in itself is a major asset, what we did with it was extraordinary!
The design and assembly by our engineering staff, created a proprietary one- of -a -kind in the world animal feed operation with the ability to ship same day and 7 days a week.
We manufactured for livestock new proprietary products like Supreme Gold™ SB-1, Supreme Gold Plus™ SB-2 and Supreme Basic™ SB. Our facility is also able to produce 5400 tons per week and with weekly sales of our highly unique Nutri-Mastic™ products.
We have secured customers we did not have a year ago and most becoming distributors of the Intact Nutrition™ Brand line of products at the same time.
Impact Fusion International's sales have doubled in less than a year.
New and more comprehensive website and internal measuring tools for accounting, sales, inventory, shipping and retailer tracking of complete information and reports have been completed.
In addition, we have experienced an increase in retailers throughout the United States and Canada.
We have initiated a new detailed program for worldwide sales in 3 currencies and multiple languages.
We made important and significant board changes both at Impact Fusion International and our wholly owned subsidiary Supreme Energy Resources as we welcome Mr. Windsor.
Our goal of keeping shares issued and out under 350M has been achieved.
We have established alliances and friendships with many large and established companies to strengthen our ability to grow as a manufacturer.
We acquired our first Cat Tractor!
We have enhanced our distribution in the UK.
At the request of a significant distributor we have developed three new drinks for our Mastic Blast Beverages™ brand being market tested for a future launch.
We have continued to exponentially keep costs down by employees doing multiple jobs as they are cross trained to go where needed.
We have established a "quality system" in our Louisiana facility along with a detailed "safety system" for everyone's benefit, suppliers and employees.
As Chairman, CEO and sales manager, I have tried to create shareholder value by developing an operational company with real products and brands that have sales, inventory and manufacturing capability. We have accomplished the mission of establishing a solid foundation and will focus on more sales in 2014. I am proud of the accomplishments of our staff in 2013.
I am told that some shareholders would like to see more press releases and audited financials, but your growing vibrant company has elected to invest its revenues into the operations of a company that will have staying power in this tough business climate. "Earnings per share". We have chosen Facebook as a method of keeping shareholders updated as a cost effective way of disseminating pertinent information.
Impact Fusion International has an experienced staff that has the ability to implement our business plan. I am confident in their abilities to make our future even brighter. Less than 5 years ago when I took the helm in April 2009 and there was no product, no business and no hope. Now we have many proprietary products that all have sales in the Intact Nutrition™ Brand, Nutri-Mastic™, Pet Intact™, Equine Intact™ and Supreme Energy Resources™ Brands along with the to be launched Mastic Blast Beverages™. We also have slogans like, "It's not what you eat, it's what you absorb" and "Rethink your Drink". Along with "It's not a vitamin, It's Nutri-Mastic" which are gaining traction with consumers.
It has been said that “ if starting a company from scratch was easy, then everyone would do it”. We did it! This journey has been fraught with problems, naysayers and those who would love to see us fail. The combined staff of Impact Fusion and Supreme Energy are determined to prove them wrong .
When I say in some of my posts on Facebook, "back to work". I truly mean that in a most truthful manner, because that is exactly what we are doing every day, most of the time 7 days a week.
We wish you all a healthy, prosperous and successful 2014.. and now.. Back to Work!
Marc Walther
Chairman & CEO
DUE DILIGENCE is not otc silent reports
I believe 2014 will bring major news, financials,and major upswing in IFUS pps.

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