Depending what stage the wells are in I believe production is 3-4 weeks away in Belize
If you assume the wells are cased, and the well head is installed: They still need to :
1) Mob Schlumberger ( 1 day if equipment is available. Schlumberger most likely only has on set in country)
2) Perf both wells demob ( 1 day )
3) Swab mud from well --with rig or wire line -1day /well
4) Mob Tucker energy services to pump acid treatment -1 day
5) Pump acid treatments - 1 day
6) Swab acid from wells -1 day/ well
7) Build pads for pumping units - concrete or gravel with anchor points. They have to be able to hold position-- 2-3 days
Run electrical power to each well pad and hook up
9) Rig up work over rig and run rods and pump in well. 1 day/ well
10) Hook up flow lines to production equipment
11) Hopeful production equipment is set already
Some of this could be done at the same time. I think two weeks would be fast. My experience working in a foreign county it will be much slower 3-4 weeks is reasonable if everything goes good and they did not miss ordering any of the parts.
The size of the pumping jacks tells you how deep the wells are not how much they can pump.