Yes Ihub is a rathole, no doubt about, tho it can be done to ban nasty little critters like eleniak. He/she doesn't haven't a PM function & one could get under the skin & make him/her reply on the board. That would be a violation of privacy and although Ihub being infested with swamp rats they usually add more weight to that violation which could end up in that troll being banned. Thing is, one has to be smart about it. First remove posts that are simple violations, then talk to an Admin that lately too much posts had to be removed, just create a bit of a bond with that Admin & also bring to their attention that eleniak breaks too much rules. Then report BLOCKY posts, upon which Admin react on a personal level, telling eleniak to stop that. Around that period in time, or even before, one or more longs ought to start sending PM's & report every privacy violation if eleniak posts about that on the public board. Its not going to be easy but it can be done
We actually got several people banned for good on certain boards... some even from the website LOL
Ahhh the good ol' days...