Very interesting article. Thank you. Produces some questions.
1. "Mr. Ackles: The one we're building now is going to be the fourth and right behind this one is the fifth, and on from there." - Where are the first three? Why aren't they being used now?
2. "We've actually been offered another project in Northern Brazil, also in the Amazon. There's another reservoir that the Brazilian government has offered us, and it's 900,000 acres." - What happened to this project?
3. " We have cash." - Where did it go? This article is from 2001. Is this old himr?
From reading this article it sounds like the company was already turning revenues. Is this where himr came from? If so, why did it fail? Is this the company that recovered the 1 million board feet of wood kgem was talking about? f this is not old himr, I wonder how himr got the right to the arm? And why are the not using one or all three of the arms that where built?
Actually there are a bunch of questions arising from this article....
Again, thanks for the find.