"Lovelock, NV, Feb. 4, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- First Liberty Power Corp. (FLPC:OTCQB), an innovative and diversified exploration, development and mining company focused on "Mined in America" strategic industrial minerals, today announced its inaugural shipment of stibnite (antimony) ore from their Fencemaker Operation.
First Liberty CEO Don Nicholson issued a statement that 36 metric tons of stibnite ore are being shipped this week to Shenyang Huachang Antimony Chemical Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of New Huachang Five Star Group. First Liberty launched its strategic development plan for Fencemaker in early 2013, and with the addition of key personnel and a series of important business alliances, and has worked diligently to achieve projected operational targets including the preparation of the mine, initial mining activities, and trial ore shipments."
Continue reading: http://au.finance.yahoo.com/news/first-libert...00484.html
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