Hollywood gets $900k to pitch Obamacare on TV (Another waste of taxpayer's money!)
California’s ObamaCare-created insurance exchange is planning to spend $900,000 in taxpayer money to a P.R. firm to help enlist Hollywood “to incorporate story lines or mentions of health care reform that would reinforce [public relations] campaign messages” on prime-time TV.
The Hill reports that alongside a possible reality show about life without the health care law, the marketing plan incorporates “a number of popular television programs and personalities such as ‘Grey’s Anatomy,’ ‘Modern Family,’ ‘The Biggest Loser,’ ‘Dr. Oz’ and others will be approached and pitched to incorporate story lines or mentions of health care reform that would reinforce campaign messages.” ...
Democrats have come under fire in the past for using $20 million of taxpayers’ money to promote and increase awareness of their controversial health-care overhaul.
Read more: http://times247.com/articles/california-spend...z26w7OTGAP