Then why didn't you wait to invest in ICPA until after hard numbers came out? What you just put in your post and what you're doing are complete opposites.
You said: "I am a investor that needs validity in what I am seeing". However, you bought the stock before the validity was there. Now you're just sitting around moaning & groaning that "we need revenue numbers". If you needed the validity (like you stated in your post), then why on earth did you buy shares before you saw the validity? I think I know the answer: because you saw the PR's and hype and thought you could make a quick flip on this stock and make a pile of cash. Once it didn't happen that way, you started moaning along with the other bashers that these deals and these PR's are meaningless until we see revenue.
So I hear what you're saying...validity is not a bad thing. But if it's validity you need as you're considering to purchase a stock or not, then IMO, you bought ICPA too soon. There was no validity there whatsoever. There was some hype and hope based on some PR's. I believe you purchased shares on this hype and hope, NOT on validated numbers. We will not begin to see these so-called "validated" numbers until 4Q 2012 or 1Q 2013.
I believe the numbers will come. That's why I have been scooping up shares. I've said it before & I'll say it again: I believe any shares purchases under .01 are a gift.
I'm willing to either 1) wait it out to see if the revenue numbers really come or 2) trade my way out of my position. I have considered trading out of my position in ICPA simply due to the sheer volume of nonsense happening in this stock and re-entering once the shenanigans stop. I suggest you also consider one of these 2 strategies vs. sitting around sounding like the rest of the bashers stating that all these deals and PR's are meaningless until we get revenue. Well, duh. Of course the share price will move up once we see the revenue numbers. It's called "ground floor opportunity". Either you believe in that theory or you don't...your choice.