Good Morning HIMR board. Been busy this week, and have not had a lot of time to post. Hollund released some very good news this week stating the Class C share issue is now resolved, and even initiating a share buy-back and retirement program. Fantastic News!
However, we also had an extreme amount of volume, and as usual the shouts of dilution always drown out all others. I don’t know exactly what is going on, and no one really does except for Hollund. But, it does not make sense to start a share buy-back program and then dilute. So why should this be the first conclusion people jump to? I suggest people jump to this conclusion because it is so easy, it does not require much thinking, and because dilution is so common in the pink sheets.
I read posts saying Hollund is not buying back shares right now because they do not have the money to do so. But does anyone really know? People cite the last financial statement where it said Hollund only had around eleven hundred dollars. Yet they acquired a concession, bought a larger percentage of the business partnership in Panama, and now announce a share buy-back. So does anyone with a brain cell working really think everything remained the same?
Hollund management, IR, and an owner close to the company told me wealthy individuals were waiting in the wings to jump in once Hollund started operations. It was suggested these individuals had deep pockets and could fund Hollund’s future and continued development. I was also told the company likely to build the TigerLynk desperately wants this technology, and would even pay the cost of building one on their own. Is any of this happening? We don’t know.
What we do know is that we are bouncing around our support level and holding pretty darn well. We are now in February, and this is the month Hollund is finally starting operations --- so pictures of same should soon be on the way. So forward progress is continuing, although slower than some might want it to be.
I was fortunate, I didn’t have the time to fret and worry about every single tick all throughout the day, and next week might be just as busy for me. The result. My account looks much like it did the week before, and my nerves were not really frazzled at all. Will the volume continue? I don’t know. Is the volume bad for us? It doesn’t appear so. Does the volume mean we are heading for a reverse split? Not likely if Hollund is buying back shares.
So I suggest that the only people suggesting the sky is now falling are the flippers and the worry warts who populate these boards. People, do yourself a favor. Relax, take a deep breath, and if need be just walk away. As long as your personal account remains largely the same, you lose absolutely nothing. Hollund is still the same company. Hollund’s business concept is still just as wonderful. And, if you dream of a buy-out or merger, we might be closer than ever before (not saying this is what I am hoping for right away, but I know some are).