What really bothers me here is the lack of cohesion on this board! Please, everyone stay focused. I am tired of the PPS being in the toilet just like everyone else is, but we ALL know, (and by ALL, I mean Rich, Pauly, Plutus, Charlie48, and EVERYONE posting about this stock on this board AND ISCAM), that ICPA IS the stock of the decade. HANDS DOWN this company is going to cast a shadow over other investment oportunities that most will be unable to fathom. We all know this, or we wouldn't be talking about it on some message board at 10:00 at night, or 3:00 in the morning, day after day! What we need to remind ourselves of is that we ARE the people representing this company in Steve's abscence. For us to talk about our frustrations is one thing, but to attack eachothers' point of view just makes us all look like novices, and I KNOW that is not the case. If we want real money to come here and drive up the PPS then we need to demonstrate some cohesion and some respect for eachother.
I am not the most level headed guy in the world, but I do my best to respect the opinions and needs of others. Hell, if we can't vent here once in awhile, then we really are just a bunch of cheerleaders. Conversely, if we do nothing except complain, then we might as well be on ISCAM bashing with Charlie!
I think everyone understands what I am trying to say. I think I talk to the members of this board almost as much as my own family, so I would appreciate your consideration of my "rant" here.
We should be reveling in this time! We ARE the chosen few who sifted through thousands of losers to find this diamond in the rough. I know that every one of us has looked at charts of various companies and thought, "Wow, I wish I knew that was going to happen with that one at that time!" Well, you nailed it this time! "That time" is now. "That company" is ICPA. Take another look at some of those charts and notice how much TIME went by! It looks like a week, but in many cases it was years!
I have been on this planet for 37 years now. I have never been a millionaire. I think another year or two will be OK!
GO ICPA!!!!......CHEERS!!!!!