Thank you again Eleniak!
This was live for 11 seconds on the other board before being called off topic. I think its all on topic.
Thank you so much for your incessant warnings on EWSI. As you constantly ring the warning bell of potential scams it does everyone on this board an absolute service. There are those that say you cry wolf, but I, for one, am grateful and don't have enough frilly adjectives to adequately thank you for all the due diligence that you've inadvertently brought to the EWSI family.
I am sure I'm missing many more points of order on this list, and said list is in no particular order. Without your brave daily contributions we wouldn't have such robust discussions on:
1. Share structure
2. Dilution
3. Choice of auditors
4. Auditing of auditors
5. Timing of audits
6. Timing of releases
7. How to control for dilution
8. How to calculate PPS
9. How to use a multiplier when determining market share
10. What each word in a press release actually means
11. A factual biography of all corporate officers
12. Pictures of facilities and people that are verified and not photoshopped (as was your concern)
13. A robust discussion on uplisting and all the requirements on a half dozen stock boards
14. Corporate cash handling
15. Timing of profitability
16. Cash flows
17. How to contact the company directly
18. What is R2 & E-Stewards?
19. What is Martie's business plan?
20. Graduation from LA Incubator followup.
21. International E-Waste Logistics
Here are 21 areas of Due Diligence that have been put to rest on the boards over the last quarter. Thank you for bringing each piece up so EWSI shifts from being a flip play to a longer term investment. Just like me I'm sure you're loaded up and chomping at the bit to get uplisted!
I'd also like to give a shoutout to WC, DanTanna, DrHarleyBoy and the rest of the dark side minions. Without all your help, none of us longs would have dug so deeply into the DD of EWSI. I'm not sure that the primary objective was to help, but the reality is that EWSI investors can only be helped by making us, as Ronald Reagan said, TRUST BUT VERIFY.