SIRG is waiting for the APP transfer.
The Water Quality Division of ADEQ processes thousands of water and wastewater permits and plans every year in accordance with three core programs - the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Clean Water Act, and Aquifer Protection Permits.
ADEQ uses water quality permits to safeguard Arizona's waters that are affected by pollutants that come from an identifiable source. These permits protect groundwater and surface water quality by controlling discharges from domestic wastewater treatment plants, mining operations, industrial facilities, on-site sewage disposal systems, direct reuse of reclaimed water and stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity as well as discharges to drywells.
The Groundwater Section issues individual Aquifer Protection Permits (APP) and Reclaimed Water Permits. The section also authorizes discharges under general permits and registers drywells. The Surface Water Section is responsible for issuing individual and general Arizona Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permits (AZPDES) permits and certifies the issuance of federal permits.