On June 25, 2013 the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), a division of the US Department of Labor, initiated a National Emphasis Program to protect workers from the serious health effects from occupational exposure to isocyanates. Isocyanates are found in polyurethane based products. According to the OSHA, "Workers exposed to isocyanates can suffer debilitating health problems for months or even years after exposure which could result in death."
The US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) is looking to control and potentially outright ban isocyanates and mentioned Hybrid's technology as an alternative to toxic polyurethane in its Action Plan against isocyanates (see page 4 Figovsky and Shapovalov)
Green Polyurethane™ is the first-ever modified hybrid polyurethane, currently used in coatings and paint, manufactured without the use of toxic isocyanates throughout the entire production process, resulting in a substitute for conventional polyurethane and epoxies, which is hundreds of times less toxic, has superior properties and provides 30-60% in application costs.
Green Polyurethane™ has been thoroughly reviewed and recommended by regulatory agencies as a substitute for conventional polyurethane.