2 items---
#1--very substantial vaccuuming of the shares being offered----nice floor at .0023-.0027--have an idea who one person is, and he is a flipper---so expect to see about 25M of these offered back at .004s
UNLESS the second item happens--
$2---funding in the form a "whatchamacallit" with "u-no-who"----I went in search of "facts" as one of our erudite posters suggested,,,as , only opinions are offered here---found out quite a bit---very informative----no, don't anybody even ask!!!!
#3---number 2 is only an opinion---as this is a message boad, not an analyst's podium for providing facts---those are items one must acquire on their own initiative--
Nice board , thanks for all the "hello"s and "welcome"s