For fear I may be deleted because I typed the word negativity, I am pasting a post I write on IHub:
What excites me is that Bob Schniederman, SCRC CEO, is a forward thinking businessman. He is focused and knows where he wants to take SCRC. He has endured negativity and yes, even some failures but continues to drive forward. We all know the potential of RapiMeds here, in China, as well as other parts of the world. And Bob could have stopped at that and banked SCRC's success solely on RapiMeds launch. But he hasn't. What he has done is developed five other revenue streams to support SCRC's success. I've been involved in other penny stocks where all the hopes and dreams evolve around, rely on, one idea (ex: an iron ore mine in Chile), but Bob hasn't allowed that to happen with SCRC. By the way, that iron ore mine idea failed so there went the stock (.75 to .0001). Even if one of Bob's revenue streams doesn't produce within the expectations set, it doesn't represent the company's destiny. Bob is protecting his investor's interests. The business model Bob has developed is well thought out, and I wouldn't be a bit surprised if we don't hear news about other business opportunities and revenue streams being developed over the months to come. So, I'm not banking my success on solely with RapiMeds, I'm banking my success on a man named Bob Schiederman and his business savvy. We are in good hands here folks and in time, whether it's months or quarters, we will all be reaping huge profits thanks to one man's dream and vision. GO BOB AND GO SCRC!!!