I believe all the assets and operations are now with MSJ based on their Feb 11, 2012 PR which likely includes the entity name Southridge Minerals, Inc. since that was the subsidiary that held the mining assets and operations of parent Southridge Enterprises, Inc. So SRGE (Southridge Enterprises, Inc.) now is basically an empty non operating shell holding ALL shares including those of NEW parent company Novamex Mineral SA and also shares of MSJ directors, officers, insiders, etc. I think what we see with the resurrection of the Southridge Minerals, Inc. website is Minera San Jorge S.A. de C.V.
The following email address from the Feb 11, 2013 PR still works.
Minera San Jorge S.A. de C.V. Jaime Arturo Anaya Trejo Tel: 011 (52) 333-271-872 Email: minerasanjorge@mail.com