Even tho I have never seen this type of post before, I am asking everyone .....
HELP is urgently needed and I challenge my trader friends .......
My brother, BigBlue72, started this fund for his very close friend HAL PREW , pictured here, a 45 yr old husband/father , who didnt feel well last Friday and layed down to rest...couple hours later, his wife found him unresponsive. He suffered a massive heart attack and doctors say he went without oxygen for 1/2 hour, before she found him.
He is now having seizures as the doctors try to bring him out of a drug induced coma. An MRI shows that 75% of his brain is NOT functioning.
$$$ raised will go towards immediate expenses for his wife and 3 children ...he is sole provider of income .....Donating is easy thru this site...
A donation of $10 from many adds up QUICK . NO amount of $$ is too small. Am challenging ALL to donate , and I appreciate your help so so very much.
If unable to donate, much prayers are needed more than anything. For those who want to follow his hopeful progress to recovery, PM me.
My brother is pictured in the link, also, next to his wife.
Thanks so much