Just posted on IHUB:
Steve knows what he is doing. He is cleaning house IMO. My position here will not be swept away with the other dead leaves. I have been here longer than many, and I will be here when you are gone. (Laughing all the way to the airport to pick out my new plane!)
I am not here to pump for some stupid promo, or to leach off of the next PR. I am a real investor watching, laughing, and BUYING every time an over zealous ask wall is constructed to artificially supress this company. I have been enjoying adding the shares that have been placed upon the alter in hopes of damaging this company. They will pay me 100 fold in time. I will not make time predictions, because timelines are not important to me. I will not make earning predictions because I know that the fundamentals of this company will bring them to fruition in due time.
If you think for one second that there is one person on this board is not long in this, ask yourself why they post so much then!
GO ICPA!!!!!.....Life changer, life enhancer....for those smart enough to recognize it.