HIMR board members, Crammer does not discuss penny stocks and says he never will. One can call and ask, but he will not discuss any penny stock one asks him about. While Hollund does have a lot of potential, they seem reluctant to show proof of what they are doing. I suspect the time is near where they may finally show the proof we all desire, but to date they have not. I don't know why not, and I don't buy the excuse that pictures taken are not of the proper or "right" quality.
The fact is, when barbarians are at the gate, nearly any proof will do to keep the gates from breaching. This sentence may be over the heads of those who have not studied history, but it reflects the conditions faced by Rome in their final days before invasion and the ultimate loss of their empire. It is time for Hollund to show shareholders proof of what they are and what they intend to be. While I like the concept of Hollund harvesting submerged forests, I grow weary of waiting and can't stand the thought of more promotions without any kind of personal gain.