To all. Since we all have been wanting some pics of the site, I managed to contact a photographer in panama city about taking some pics/video. Was making a little progress until he wanted $1700 USD to continue. I cant do that.
My first and only read of the blog gave me the impression that we should have answers, news, and pics no later than Jan 31. also I posted from the news last week that it would be april/may before we got news of operations. This blog makes me think I am wrong and like you guys, it sounds like the will have officially begun operations by the end of next week.
but I am still gonna play devils advocate. Why, since this is really great news, did the price go down today on >300 millions shares. This pre-news, news, so to speak, should have moved the price up, not down.
I do not buy that this is a hidden gem. Last week made sure of that. so what is up. That little red light is flashing in the corner of my eye.