I agree that it's a waste of taxpayer dollars, but it the cost pales in comparison to many other programs and military ventures.
Keep in mind, the economy is crony to the point that liberalism helps support the consumer market. The effects of giving out free cell phones are actually for the most part - positive. A few billion is a drop in the bucket. Not only that, but the government is literally spending money directly into the consumer market. The effects of this are much better than many projects where the money literally goes to line the pockets of some washington / industrial complex insiders.
Just giving out my perspective. I am so jaded to wasteful government spending at this point that much of the cost of liberal programs appears quite inconsequential. What's a few billion when you're spending trillions. Who's to say some peoples lives weren't dramatically improved by the free cell phones?
Unless someone proposes to make drastic changes like Ron Paul, all this liberal - conservative bashing is just a bunch of rabble rabbble.