$PCPZ another sleeper alert nets our board a potential gain of of 646% , dont know if or when they will file to remove the stop sign but a lot of chatter on it NOW not when I alerted it .
mrchipper Member Level
Friday, June 08, 2012 9:14:26 AM
Re: ash111 post# 238092
Post # of 271470
PCPZ Yes liking the weekly accumulation and nice slow basing up trend here as well
mrchipper Member Profile mrchipper Member Level
Thursday, June 07, 2012 11:54:32 AM
Re: JBJD post# 237871
Post # of 238096
PCPZ .0019 weekly chart showing nice volume increase , 200 million in the A/S , but cant confirm the issued shares . When do you think we see updates on their filings . Somebody is buying for some reason