Just sharing info. We got our certs, returned by FedEx from Scottrade, today. The cover letter said:
We have received the enclosed certificate. We must return this certificate for the following reason(s):
____ There is not a market for these securities or it is a worthless certificate. NOT CHECKED!!
_____ These are non-transferable shares according to our depository. (Please go directly through the transfer agent.) NOT CHECKED!!
_____ There is no cusip number for this security. It is the policy of Scottrade to only accept certificates with a cusip number. You may send the certificate to a transfer agent for this security, which is listed on the certificate. They will send you a new certificate with a cusip number. Once you have the certificate you may deposit it in your Scottrade account. NOT CHECKED!!
_____ These shares were involved in reorganization over five years ago. It is the policy of Scottrade to only accept certificates involved in a reorganization that has occurred within the last five years. You may send the certificate to a transfer agent, which is listed on the certificate, who will issue a new certificate. Once you have the new certificate you may deposit it in your Scottrade account. NOT CHECKED!!
XXXX Other: Unable to accept shares at this time. Please contact Transfer Agent for further instructions.
Obviously, we are in good shape. There is a market for the securities, they are not worthless certs, they are transferable shares according to their depository, securities have cusip numbers and we do not hold certs that have been involved in reorganization over five years ago. CDFT.