That's a paragraph from the site. But I don't see any direction of e-waste nor anything related to EWSI.
The best qualities of an organization lies in its people , which is strong, flexible and adaptable nature. We are not robots . We are not machines. We need to investigate, decide , negotiate , all within a business process that is shared throughout the organization by people, human beings whose objectives are to provide the best service and generate higher returns. OneStop Cenei Window is built with people first and then technology. For your company this means having the tools you need to maximize the potential of its people. So PSCs provide for their critical business processes results . One Stop Window allows people to work with their best qualities and to monitor processes, tasks and natural exceptions that happen in the real world of organizations . OneStop Cenei Window provides organizations not only technological tools that amplify the results , but also the fundamental principles of openness, transparency , community, collaboration and flexibility that people got used to use. We enable your organization to better suit people and not vice versa . Outcome: A solution that fits your business and that can be deployed in a matter of days rather than the months that traditionally take the process-based solutions. A solution that is easier to learn, use and benefit from what you are used to.