About 6 weeks ago Mark stated--
Quote :
we have put a lot of effort in the Website status recently. I do the Website layout portion. We are upgrading to a far more sophisticated website that will make our work much easier & faster. The structure of the new web site will improve customer navigation and our ability to interact with them. This really is the key to a strong business foundation in this computer age. The switch over to the new site will be within the next 30 days. It will be an instant swap. Even more important is the fact that the NEW site will be picked up "everywhere", much better.
For the time being, we are still on the old site layout, but the results from recent internal changes have been dramatic. We have had very far reaching sales into other countries and states, directly as a result of the Internet upgrades so far. It will get much better when we are completed.
I noticed that Anita baldwin who was a computer expert was no longer on the Advisory Board ???
I think Mark's next move would be to get the web site finished and up and runing as soon as possible. He said it was a major part of his sales plan. The longer this issue goes un-resolved the less faith many will have wirh Mark.