$EWSI Expanding investor pool!
Good seeing a bunch of new faces in here and great to see the volume pick up. Nice to see $.05 broken as well.
My math for the day says we hit $10.5M in market cap. If the 2013 numbers hit, say $18m, and using conservative 3x multiplier, that puts us at $54M, which means we're roughly 5x undervalued as of 2013. So at $.045 we should be about $.225 RIGHT NOW.
We need at least 300 individual investors to uplist this stock, and Martie needs to keep hitting his numbers. The more people know the story, and follow all the DD, the better. That pushes both the stock price up, and the multiplier out.
A normal valuation would be 5x, which means we should be at $0.385. I'm excited every time more people jump in after seeing the disconnected PPS in the chart. Even vs. accumulation, it is goofy. It has to re-connect.
And what will happen is people will dig beyond the charts, and look at the DD and the vision of the company, along with the audited financial? $EWSI... turning flippers into longs...
No insider has traded this stock. Management is long...
Buckyboy has some great posts on the numbers and has a good pulse for the company.
I'm looking forward to 2014. More faces, more investors and a the raw numbers to uplist.