If it comes up as a transaction, then someone bought them. What else would it be listed as?
Seriously, todays trading was specifically orchestrated to dropping the price by some MMs to shake much needed shares from the gullible to cover their shorts. They are also hoping that this smoke and mirror baloney will influence others over the weekend to sell or scare them away on Monday. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever for this price drop or why this is not at a price that is reflective of what is going on with this company. When the next Q comes out, the PPS will be more reflective of where it should be. When Q4 comes out that shows more of the numbers from the CC deal, then these tater tot/ small potato scumbags wont be able to phuck with this anymore because it will become too expensive for them to do so. Then we will have a whole new crew of them to spar with......at least they will be much more intelligent- shouldn't see anymore of this "death cross" nonsense.