Integracer02 I fully agree.
HIMR has built a strong base in the .0003-.0004 price range, and this range should serve as a base moving forward. Many shares purchased at .0001 are still held by strong long-term investors, but short-term traders are likely to already have sold for quick gains and moved on. Some may even have re-entered once again at the .0003 - .0004 price range, reinforcing this base.
What can we expect this week?
If the assumption that Hollund was set back a week or maybe two by the two major Christmas and New Years holidays, then the news we are waiting for could come after the middle of this week or sometime the following week. I can tell you that I my contacts inform me the Class C share issue was intensely worked during this period, and may now be finished. If so, then I would expect the solution to the Class C share issue to be the first news Hollund releases.
As for the pictures we so eagerly await. I no longer expect them until the week of the 19th through the 25th (so not this week, but next). I say this because it is my understanding Hollund management was working the Class C share issue during this period. I realize many may be disappointed by this news, but I feel it is better to have a realistic view right now rather than an overly optimistic outlook. On a side note, I really do expect Hollund to bring on additional personnel very soon, as the work load must now be growing exponentially.
I hope this provides a little light to an otherwise murky situation, and I hope shareholders can and will hang in there a little while longer. I do believe the news we wait so patiently for is coming, and will be released this month.
It is also my understanding the road, ramp, and support structures are complete or certainly nearing completion. These issues are being handled by Hollund's partner and site manager.