I define terms a lot different than other people do or would. Everyone invests for one purpose: to make money. Some are happy to make short term money, some are happy to make long term money. I don't have a problem with either, as long as on the exit, one does it responsibly and doesn't try to burn the house down on the way out.
You can't earn the trust and respect of other investors on the board just by buying large positions and holding them forever ( I can give you examples of some on other plays who own SUBSTANTIAL positions and have had them for over a year- and the longs villify them b/c they post their opinions). You earn respect and "join the club" by posting facts (verifiable), by communicating via PMs and board posts, and by showing you place value in the same thing that others place value in.
Having said that, times will come and times will go where you get some low spots: maybe your a bit discouraged, or have over reached, and you posted the wrong thing at the wrong time. It happens. Get an iron skin and press on.