Snowman, I suspect Meier bit off more than he could chew when he posted in his blog that he could accomplish so much during the weeks of Christmas and New Years. Many of the people Hollund would need to deal with were likely not around, and good intentions only go so far. Should he have been more careful? Yes, in my opinion, a CEO should never promise if there is doubt he can actually deliver. However, it is what it is. We discussed the difficulties of getting things done during the holidays right here on this board, so I guess we should not be surprised that some things did not occur. Was this a rooky mistake? Of course it was, but armchair quarterbacking at this point gets us no where. The venting may help to keep one sane, but does not address reality.
I am disappointed. If Hollund had delivered, share prices were at a point where higher prices were nearly guaranteed. That said, I still believe January is our month, and lower prices are an opportunity. I can't be certain if Hollund will release news next week or the week after, but I am certain news will come this month. Hollund may not need twenty to get done what needs be done, but two (three if one includes the IR guy) might be insufficient to move ahead as rapidly as they and we all want.