
My apology, I'm off topic.
Must be honest here a little bit. I have no idea or can I figure out why we haven't received information from DUTV so far.
They are only required to follow the guidelines of reporting only.
I get so dang excited from the tweets and what all this under going just might be.
I get so dang excited about all the great information posted on this board from you folks , of companies that we might be in bed with (partnered or partners )
The experience and knowledge shared with this board is priceless.
I am trying to help find answers to any way that I can.
I just wanted to reiterate the fact that I am a worker bee here. Really !
I became a little smarter in this Tech sector and DUTV it was not on my own that's a fact as well.
I'm just a worker bee here, and will work hard to help, at many junctures I did and was most appreciated that the most experienced folks here was there to make sense of the difficulties.
Thank you very much.
I also know at times this is out of my depth, I do home work to help me so I don't ask questions .
I don't know how to help anymore.............and I don't want to just have fun posting jokes or poking fun at folks on the other board while waiting for a that super train to take off .
For me, I do recognize and have a level of respect for many on the other board , Like the N-Bs , benosufan, La's and even gunny they are all very smart investors in there own right. some might call them bashers.
Truth is they could eat my lunch on any given day, I became a little complacent along the way and found myself attacking. For it was wrong of me to do, I only and always just wanted professional courtesy the nasty is when I lost my way.
There, I feel Better now.....................lol
To all the great and wonderful folks here............If you need a worker bee to go into a direction and seek out I'm your guy.
I hold all you great folks in high regard with the utmost respect.

