I'm beginning to also think as the hours go by that the website is real and is not a hoax put back up by MSJ/Novamex Mineral SA. There are parts of the website that we can no longer access but overall most is still there to give folks an overview of what Southridge Minerals, Inc. is all about which Southridge Enterprises, Inc. (SRGE) is a part of the total group that holds the shares.
Southridge Minerals, Inc. IMO is owned by Minera San Jorge S.A. de C.V. and I continue to believe that Southridge Enterprises, Inc. (SRGE) is a shell that holds ALL shareholders including those shares in parent company Novamex Mineral SA and we see under Yahoo Finance for instance that Southridge Enterprises, Inc. (SRGE) is a subsidiary of Mexican company Novamex Mineral SA. I believe that Minera San Jorge S.A. de C.V. (MSJ), Novamex Mineral SA, Southridge Enterprises, Inc., and Southridge Minerals, Inc. are one in the same ownership in Mexico through Novamex Mineral SA who holds the majority of the Southridge Enterprises, Inc. shares.
Anyone else here starting to believe what I believe? The website has been put back up for a reason.