Found it!
Here's a link... States&ib_entity=llc&ln=&asset=&b=IAC&e=IFS
As you can see, ICPA is not available to be shorted by us averages Joes, MM's might do it, most likely not IMO, the price usually drops due to more shares being added to the float. the daily short interest report you see people talking about sometimes means squat. Here's a good example I've saved.
Re: None Post # of 3773
Let's discuss the daily short interest numbers being tossed around ihub like they are the reason all stocks go down and that every penny stock is being shorted.
There are thousands of penny stocks in the OTC market and one has to wonder how it is that so many of them can be shorted by 50% or more daily.
All one has to do is look at Interactive Brokers on their shortable list and see how many shares are available to short. The next day after seeing a high volume percentage look again and you'll see the same amount of shares available to short for that particular stock. =
Now we look at the Bi-Monthly report which is the real short interest report for the same stock and see how many shares have been shorted for the previous month.
We can see a major discrepancy of the "Daily" short interest versus the "Bi-Monthly" short interest reports. If there "WAS" a covering one would suspect the stock to have risen? Yes, in most cases, they don't. They remain stagnant or are still on a downward trend.
Things don't add up do they?
Let's remember that a trade has several legs to it and it takes 3 days for a trade to settle(Thus the T+3 label) and a long sale can show up as a short sale just the same. Since a trade done on day ONE is NOT complete, it has data missing from it when it gets reported on the "DAILY" short interest report. So in turn the DAILY numbers have missing data sets on them which can create what they LABEL as a SHORT sale.
There have been securities that did not have a single trade all day and when a person sold near the end of the day, it showed up as a 100% short when it was ONE PERSON SELLING!
Just because something is labeled as a SHORT SALE doesn't MEAN it's someone SHORTING a stock.
Let's also remember that not ALL stocks are shortable and really the only place to short a PENNY stock is through Interactive Brokers and even then it's not easy as you need the PAPER CERTS to do so. No PAPER CERTS..NO SHORTING.
I really wish that people would get this and stop pretending that every single stock is being shorted on the OTC.
It truly is the wrong way to go about trading. Courtesy SRV-90