I like classic movies too.......but there are already plenty of classic movie channels!
So a year ago I got mad at Comcast and unplugged my cable TV.....and I never turned it back on. Since that day, I have been happily blending limited OTA programming and video streaming.
For those of you that have never experienced this.....it is a very different world than being with cable company programming. I save about $1200 a year. That makes me happy
I have a nice little laptop that sits next to my LCD TV hooked to an HDMI cable.....and each time I sit down to watch TV... I ask myself a very important question.....What do I want to watch? Most of the networks stream full episodes of the popular shows....for $10 a month my kids stream netficks and watch movies on a binge. If you don't believe in DMR, there are a couple of sites that stream movies that are currently in theaters. In short, anything you want to see is there...... last night I watched a few episodes of my favorite shows on the Food Network..... they ran the same Bounty Paper Towel ad over and over....clearly that was the only paying sponsor in the que.
I have never streamed Filmon and certainly have not watched VUTV except to prove to myself that it is there. Mostly I watch my local stuff OTA....it comes in HD....news and sports. I have a couple of specialty channels.....I like METV and RETRO.... they play old re-runs of shows I loved when I was a kid. They sell me Viagra, Reverse Mortgages, and Alex Trebek sells me over priced term life insurance.
When PNCH was Punch...it had a purpose....it had an audience.... it had a demographic that fit OTA delivery. I don't fit that demographic.... but there was a nexus between the audience and potential advertisers and more importantly..... it fit the delivery system.
So.....Mr. Samblis......."old drive -in movies" are the niche and Filmon is the delivery system...please explain to me who is the audience that will beat a path to your door and how is ANYBODY (most importantly advertisers) suppose to discover you??????
I remember, last year, when PunchTV touted the COMCAST channel in Jackson Miss (which was a college station that never really made the switch to punch)......nevertheless it was pointed out that COMCAST would keep performance and viewer metrics on the programming.
I expect Filmon keeps this kind of data........are there any minimums required to continue your "partnership"? for the sake of the folks here I wish you success.... I just think it would be helpful for you to articulate your plan better!