Good thinking Beliceno, and I applaud you. I hope Hollund proves you right and rewards you for doing so. However, I also suggest we demand to know what Hollund is doing.
Not long ago I was in another stock where people took the word of those who only spoke glowingly about the company. When warning signs appeared, investors were told to just ignore them. The fact that nothing was ever revealed that proved the company was actually doing what was claimed was simply discounted. Well, that did not end well. I do not wish the same to happen here. Having faith in the company is not enough in my opinion. We need facts that can be confirm independently of what we are told by company spokespeople (company investor relations people are paid to tell investors what they want to hear, and that is not always the truth). After all, HIMR is a pink sheet company, and until they move up and out of this area of the market, they should be treated that way.
The phrase "con game" is derived from an old practice involving "confidence men" who could sell the unsuspecting anything in the world (like ice to an Eskimo). When people learned they were played and how, the phrase was shortened to a con. Just a tidbit of information, and in no way a reflection on Hollund. But always be watchful, and always be wary. These are words to live by.