Deep down, I really think you know the answer to your questions..... Maybe a good new years resolution for you would be to not look back. Dustin Secor screwed every ANDI shareholder when he up and quit. He took our money and our title company and never looked back. He didn't care one bit for the shareholders of his company and relinquished control to some other crooks.
If this ever does amount to anything, and it wont, I would be very careful about sending additional money to the new management, they are asking for it in the guise of future value to the prefereds you now own, thanks to secor. Those prefereds will never amount to anything except further loss to those that own them as they try to capitalize on them.
And yes, ANDI has missed its quarterly and annual reports required by the market it trades in making it a "dark reporting" company. I too have emailed the new CEO to ask what his problem is with fulfilling his requirements as a going concern to provide timely information to its shareholders, this is what I got back............nothing. Keep emailing these stellar performers, maybe someday they will respond, but remember your not dealing with those of much moral value, just as we weren't with the old CEO, secor.