
AT&T Offers An Unusually Safe High-Dividend Yield
Therefore, it is not surprising that AT&T has made public over the past few months its intentions to grow abroad through acquisitions, targeting specifically Europe. According to media sources, the company has explored potential deals with Telefonica (TEF) and Vodafone (VOD) but so far without success. Moreover, the likelihood of a major purchase in Europe is quite low due to political opposition, as seen in its approach to Telefonica. Furthermore, as most European markets are already saturated markets and the European economy has been quite weak over the past few years Europe may not be the best option for AT&T to search for growth.
As I discussed in my previous article, AT&T should forget Europe because a better alternative may be available in TIM Participacoes (TSU), the Brazilian unit of Telecom Italia (TI). TIM Brasil is currently the second-largest Brazilian mobile operator, with more than 72 million customers. The company provides telecommunications services with a nationwide presence in Brazil. TIM Brazil would give AT&T improved growth prospects and an increase of its profitability, without leading to much higher balance sheet leverage depending on how much new debt it decides to issue finance this potential acquisition.
........some names just keep coming up....lol, follow the loops )

