LOL That's funny. Truly, this is a VERY exciting time for everyone, for RFMK, investors, the cannabis community, mainstream culture. This show and documenting the real life day to day activities of what I have witnessed in the cannabis culture, the "penny stock" world, these crazy message boards etc. I think makes much better reality TV than anything they could script. I believe in this company. That's why I invest so much of my time and resources in to it. It's paying off. You are watching it. The naysayers and doubters don't bother me. I know what's in the pipeline. We are making history. We are building a superbrand. The reality series and marketing go hand in hand. Women, Marijuana, Business no one has ever approached reality tv from that angle and no one has had celebrity support with a cannabis related reality series. Trust me, WME, William Morris Endeavor doesn't waste their time with anything unless they truly believed in the vision we share. This is just the beginning of a whole new era.
You'll see. We're building it. Laser sharp focus.
Clear Path.
Destiny within reach.